Ep. 133 - Pollinator Pathway: A Design Challenge For The Planet

Ep. 133 - Pollinator Pathway: A Design Challenge For The Planet
In Defense of Plants

As we dive deeper into the new epoch we have created - the Anthropocene - we are going to have to face a lot of harsh realities about the way we treat the planet. That is where people like Sarah Bergmann come in. About a decade ago, Sarah embraced concepts of sustainability, ecology, and ecosystem connectivity, into a giant design challenge for the planet. Listen and learn! This episode was produced in part by Bendix, Irene, Holly, Clifton, Shane, Caitilin, Rosanna, Mary Jane, Manuel, Jennifer, Sara, Sienna & Garth, Troy, Margie, and Laura. 

Click here to learn more about the Pollinator Pathway project

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Music by Moneycat