Ep. 384 - Arborvitae on the Limit

Ep. 384 - Arborvitae on the Limit
In Defense of Plants

Edge of range dynamics are always fascinating. Range edges present lots of unique challenges for which plants must contend. When you throw humans into the mix, those challenges often become far more extreme. Join me and plant ecologist Sara Johnson as we look at a system involving hydrology, road salt, and the ever charismatic white cedar or arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis). This episode was produced in part by Corbin, Keena, Robin, Peter, Whitney, Kenned, Margaret, Daniel, Karen, David, Earl, Jocelyn, Gary, Krysta, Elizabeth, Southern California Carnivorous Plant Enthusiasts, Pattypollinators, Peter, Judson, Ella, Alex, Dan, Pamela, Peter, Andrea, Nathan, Karyn, Michelle, Jillian, Chellie, Linda, Laura, Miz Holly, Christie, Carlos, Paleo Fern, Levi, Sylvia, Lanny, Ben, Lily, Craig, Sarah, Lor, Monika, Brandon, Jeremy, Suzanne, Kristina, Christine, Silas, Michael, Aristia, Felicidad, Lauren, Danielle, Allie, Jeffrey, Amanda, Tommy, Marcel, C Leigh, Karma, Shelby, Christopher, Alvin, Arek, Chellie, Dani, Paul, Dani, Tara, Elly, Colleen, Natalie, Nathan, Ario, Laura, Cari, Margaret, Mary, Connor, Nathan, Jan, Jerome, Brian, Azomonas, Ellie, University Greens, Joseph, Melody, Patricia, Matthew, Garrett, John, Ashley, Cathrine, Melvin, OrangeJulian, Porter, Jules, Griff, Joan, Megan, Marabeth, Les, Ali, Southside Plants, Keiko, Robert, Bryce, Wilma, Amanda, Helen, Mikey, Michelle, German, Joerg, Cathy, Tate, Steve, Kae, Carole, Mr. Keith Santner, Lynn, Aaron, Sara, Kenned, Brett, Jocelyn, Ethan, Sheryl, Runaway Goldfish, Ryan, Chris, Alana, Rachel, Joanna, Lori, Paul, Griff, Matthew, Bobby, Vaibhav, Steven, Joseph, Brandon, Liam, Hall, Jared, Brandon, Christina, Carly, Kazys, Stephen, Katherine, Mohsin Kazmi Takes Pictures, Manny, doeg, Daniel, Tim, Philip, Tim, Lisa, Brodie, Bendix, Irene, holly, Sara, and Margie.

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Music by Moneycat

Ep. 345 - Reconstructing Two Centuries of Midwest Prairie Fire History

Ep. 345 - Reconstructing Two Centuries of Midwest Prairie Fire History
In Defense of Plants

Understanding the role of fire in an ecosystem is very important. It can also be a very difficult task where good data are limited. This hasn't stopped Dr. Greg Spyreas and colleagues from trying! By scouring over two centuries worth of historical documents for first-person accounts, Dr. Spyreas and others have been able to track 200+ years of fire history in the tallgrass prairies of the Midwest. This episode was produced in part by Paleo Fern, Levi, Sylvia, Lanny, Ben, Lily, Craig, Sarah, Lor, Monika, Brandon, Jeremy, Suzanne, Kristina, Christine, Silas, Michael, Aristia, Felicidad, Lauren, Danielle, Allie, Jeffrey, Amanda, Tommy, Marcel, C Leigh, Karma, Shelby, Christopher, Alvin, Arek, Chellie, Dani, Paul, Dani, Tara, Elly, Colleen, Natalie, Nathan, Ario, Laura, Cari, Margaret, Mary, Connor, Nathan, Jan, Jerome, Brian, Azomonas, Ellie, University Greens, Joseph, Melody, Patricia, Matthew, Garrett, John, Ashley, Cathrine, Melvin, OrangeJulian, Porter, Jules, Griff, Joan, Megan, Marabeth, Les, Ali, Southside Plants, Keiko, Robert, Bryce, Wilma, Amanda, Helen, Mikey, Michelle, German, Joerg, Cathy, Tate, Steve, Kae, Carole, Mr. Keith Santner, Lynn, Aaron, Sara, Kenned, Brett, Jocelyn, Ethan, Sheryl, Runaway Goldfish, Ryan, Chris, Alana, Rachel, Joanna, Lori, Paul, Griff, Matthew, Bobby, Vaibhav, Steven, Joseph, Brandon, Liam, Hall, Jared, Brandon, Christina, Carly, Kazys, Stephen, Katherine, Mohsin Kazmi Takes Pictures, Manny, doeg, Daniel, Tim, Philip, Tim, Lisa, Brodie, Bendix, Irene, holly, Sara, and Margie.

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Music by Moneycat

Ep. 231 - The Amber Time Capsule

Ep. 231 - The Amber Time Capsule
In Defense of Plants

Today we get a look back in deep time with the help of the amber time capsule. Amber will be most familiar both for its use in jewelry but also for its role in the Jurassic Park series. However, amber is also a gold mine of scientific discovery. Amber contains within the remnants of long extinct ecosystems. From insects to plants, and even tiny bubbles of prehistoric atmosphere, there is no telling what the next chunk of amber is going to reveal. Join me as I sit down with the Director of Paleontology for the Prairie Research Institute, Dr. Sam Heads, to discuss his research on amber and the many treasures it contains. This episode was produced in part by Griff, Philip, Paul, Matthew, Clark, Bobby, Kate, Steven, Brittney, McMansion Hell, Joey, Catherine, Brandon, Hall, Vegreville Creek and Wetlands Fund, Kevin, Oliver, John, Johansson, Christina, Jared, Hannah, Katy Pye, Brandon, Gwen, Carly, Stephen, Botanical Tours, Moonwort Studios, Lisa, Liba, Lucas, Mohsin Kazmi Takes Pictures, doeg, Clifton, Stephanie, Benjamin, Eli, Rachael, Anthony, Plant By Design, Philip, Brent, Ron, Tim, Homestead Brooklyn, Brodie, Kevin, Sophia, Brian, Mark, Rens, Bendix, Irene, Holly, Caitlin, Manuel, Jennifer, Sara, and Margie.

Follow Dr. Heads on Twitter: @swheads

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Music by Moneycat

Ep. 83 - The Sedge-isode

Ep. 83 - The Sedge-isode
In Defense of Plants

Sedges. This wonderfully diverse group of grass-like plants can be quite intimidating to those who are new to the world of plant identification. Sedges are to botanists as shore birds are to birders. Because of this, sedges are often glazed over as yet another gramminoid for amateurs and ecologists alike. This is not a good thing as sedges are incredibly important components of healthy ecosystems around the globe. In fact, many sedge species are the backbone of some very sensitive habitats. Join me for a discussion with botanist Paul Marcum who has a special affinity for this family of plants. Hopefully by the end of this conversation we will have inspired you to take a closer look at the sedges in your neighborhood. This episode was produced in part by Gregory, Mark, Allen, Bryan, Desiree, Troy, Margie, and Laura.

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Music by Moneycat