Pitcher Plant Moths and their Pitcher Plant Homes


Discussions about pitcher plants usually revolve around the fact that they trap and eat insects and other animals. However, there are a handful of organisms out there that turn the table on pitcher plants, reminding us that these botanical carnivores can become food themselves. Spend any amount of time surveying pitcher plant populations in southeastern North America and you are likely to encounter at least one such species of pitcher plant eater.

There are three species of pitcher plant moths in the genus Exyra and all of them would not exist if it were not for pitcher plants in the genus Sarracenia. Whereas E. ridingsii and E. semicrocea are largely restricted to southeastern portions of North America, E. fax can be found as far north as Newfoundland. These three species also vary in their dietary specificity. As you can probably ascertain from its distribution, E. fax is a purple pitcher plant (S. purpurea) but will also feed on the southern pitcher plant (S. rosea) in the southern portions of its range. Exyra ridingsii is also a dietary specialist, feeding only on the pitchers of the yellow pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava). Alternatively, E. semicrocea is a generalist and can be found feeding on a variety of Sarracenia species.

An Exyra caterpillar busy feeding on a Sarracenia flava pitcher.

An Exyra caterpillar busy feeding on a Sarracenia flava pitcher.

Both caterpillars and adult moths are physically adapted to living within the slippery interior of the pitcher walls. Microscopic analyses of their feet have revealed specialized morphological adaptations that allow them to cling to the waxy walls of the pitcher. The caterpillars may also benefit from their ability to spin silken lines. Interestingly, the moths are only ever found perched upright in the pitchers. Even when they mate (which also occurs within the pitcher), they do so at a 90 degree angle so that neither partner is facing downward. It is thought that they must remain mostly upright in order for their feet to properly cling to the waxy wall.

Regardless of which pitcher plant they are eating, these three moths all behave similarly throughout their lifecycle. The caterpillars are hatched within a pitcher. Immediately they begin feeding on the wall of the pitcher. They will only eat the interior cells of the pitcher wall, leaving a thin layer of tissue on the outside wall. This makes the pitcher look as if it is covered in translucent, brown windows. At some point in their development, the caterpillars will also spin a layer of silk over the mouth of the pitcher. This protects them from predators like lynx spiders and cuts off the pitchers ability to capture prey (more on this in a bit).

As the caterpillars grow, they will occasionally move to new pitchers. At larger sizes, their feeding damage can be quite extensive, damaging the walls of the pitcher to the point that it loses its structural integrity and folds over. This can also serve to protect the caterpillar from predators while similarly reducing the ability of the plant to capture food. After their fifth larval instar, the caterpillars will move to a new, usually undamaged pitcher. In many instances, they will crawl to the bottom and chew a small hole in the side, draining the pitcher of its digestive fluids. They will then pupate just above the drainage hole.

Signs of Exyra feeding damage.

Signs of Exyra feeding damage.

After a period of time that varies between species, adult moths will emerge. The adults are adorable little critters dressed in shades of yellow and black. They are also very secretive and do not leave the pitchers until nightfall. Even then, they only do so to mate and lay eggs in new pitchers. After mating, the female will lay her eggs just below the mouth of a new pitcher and the cycle begins anew. Amazingly, it has been found that the only other stimulus besides the urge to mate that can coax the moths to leave their pitchers is smoke. This is especially true for the southern species as the bogs in which they live are subject to frequent fires. If they were to remain in the pitchers, it is likely that entire populations would be incinerated.

As terrifying as this sounds for the moths, fire is essential to their lifecycle. The pitcher plant bogs of southeastern North America could not persist without fire. When fires are suppressed, these bogs inevitably fill in with more aggressive vegetation such as swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) or any of the myriad invasive species that grow in this region. As bogs become choked with woody shrubs and trees, pitcher plants and other bog species are choked out to the point that they can completely disappear. Fire in these habitats brings more life than it does death.

A population of Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora showing signs of a thriving Exyra moth population in the form of damaged and bent over pitchers.

A population of Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora showing signs of a thriving Exyra moth population in the form of damaged and bent over pitchers.

Given that the pitchers of pitcher plants function as both photosynthetic organs and a means to obtain nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, it stands to reason that damage from pitcher plant moths could harm the plants over the long term. Indeed, high densities of pitcher plant moths can exact quite a toll on pitcher plant individuals. Evidence from multiple sites has shown that heavily damaged pitcher plants can shrink in size over time, indicating loss of energy reserves. In support of this, some have also found that highly damaged pitcher plants go on to produce more pitchers, which indicates that such individuals are prioritizing more nutrient capture. In ecosystems already defined by nutrient scarcity, the effects of herbivory on these carnivorous plants are likely more severe than they are for plants growing in nutrient-rich environments. However, it should be noted that it is a rare case in which pitcher plant moths exact such a toll on plants as to completely kill the pitcher plants they rely on for survival.

That being said, there is plenty of room for concern over the future of both pitcher plants and moths. Only 3% of the bogs that once existed in southeastern North America remain today. Habitat loss means fewer populations of plants and thus less habitat for the moths (and myriad other lifeforms) that rely on them. For these reasons and more, habitat protection and restoration must be made a high priority moving into the future. Please consider supporting a land conservation/restoration organization in your area!

Further Reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

My Unforgettable Encounter with a Fevertree


When someone asks you if you would like to see a wild fever tree, you have to say yes. As a denizen of cold climates defined by months of freezing temperatures, I will never miss an opportunity to encounter any species in its native habitat that cannot survive frosts. This was the scenario I found myself in last week as friend and habitat restoration specialist for the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Jeff Talbert, was showing us around a wonderful chunk of Florida scrubland he has been managing over the last few years.

He drove our small group over to an area that, up until a year or two ago, was completely choked with swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora). Like many habitats throughout southeastern North America, this patch of Florida scrub is dependent on regular fires to maintain ecological function. Without it, aggressive shrubs like titi completely take over, choking out much of the amazing biodiversity that makes this region unique. Jeff and his team have been very busy restoring fire to this ecosystem and the results have been impressive to say the least.

We walked off the two-track, down into a wet depression and were greeted by an impressive population of spoon-leaf sundews (Drosera intermedia), which is a good sign that water quality on the site is improving. After a few minutes of sundew admiration, Jeff motioned for us to look upward towards the surrounding tree line. That’s when we saw it. Growing up out of the small seep that was feeding this wet depression was a spindly tree with bright pink splotches decorating its canopy. This was to be my first encounter with a fevertree (Pinckneya bracteata).


A few of us were willing to get our feet wet and were rewarded with a close look at the growth habit of this incredible tree. Clustered at the end of its spindly branches are dark green, ovate leaves that give the tree a tropical appearance. Erupting from the middle of some of those leafy branches were the inflorescences. These are what produce the pink splotches I could see in the canopy of larger individuals. They remind me a lot of a poinsettia and at first, I thought this tree might be a member of the genus Euphorbia. Indeed, the pink coloration comes from a handful of rather large, leaf-like sepals attached to the base of each inflorescence.

Upon seeing the flowers, I instantly knew this was not a member of Euphorbiaceae. Each flower was long and tubular ending in five reflexed lobes. They are colorful structures in and of themselves, adorned with splashes of pink and yellow. After a bit of scrutiny, our group was finally able to place this within its true taxonomic lineage, the coffee family (Rubiaceae).

Within the coffee family, fevertree is closely related to the genus Cinchona. Like Cinchona, the fevertree produces quinine and other alkaloids that are effective in treating malaria. Fevertree has been used for millennia to do just that, hence the common name. It also seems fitting that fevertrees tend to grow in wetland habitats where mosquitos can be abundant. However, this is by no means an obligate wetland species. Those who have grown fevertree frequently succeed in establishing plants in dry, upland habitats as well. Perhaps highly disturbed wetlands are some of the few places where this spindly tree can avoid intense competition from other forms of vegetation.


Fevertrees do need regular disturbance to persist. They are not a large, robust tree by any means and can easily get outcompeted by more aggressive vegetation. However, this species does have a trick that enables individuals to persist when disturbances don’t come frequent enough. Fevertree is highly clonal. Instead of producing a single trunk, it sends out numerous stems in all directions in search of a gap in the canopy. This clonal habit allows it to eek out an existence in the gaps between its more robust neighbors until disturbances return and clear things out.

This clonal habit is also very important when it comes to reproduction. Fevertree requires a decent amount of sunlight to successfully flower and set seed. By using its clonal stems to find light gaps, it can at least guarantee some level of reproduction until fires, floods, or some other form of canopy clearing disturbance frees up enough space for it to prosper and its seeds to germinate. However, its clonal habit can also hurt its reproductive capacity over the long term if recruitment of new individuals does not occur.

Fevertree is considered self-incompatible. In other words, its flowers cannot be pollinated via pollen from a genetically identical individual. As more and more clonal shoots are produced, the tree effectively increases the chances that its own pollen will end up on its own flowers. This is yet another important reason why regular disturbance favors fevertree reproduction. Fevertree seeds need light and bare ground to germinate, which is usually provided as fires and other disturbances clear the canopy and open up bare ground. Only then can enough unrelated individuals establish to ensure plenty of successful pollination opportunities.

With its long, tubular flowers and bright pink sepals, fevertrees don’t seem to have any trouble attracting pollinators, which mainly consist of ruby-throated hummingbirds and bumblebees. Only these organisms have what it takes to successfully access the pollen and nectar rewards of this plant and travel the distances necessary to ensure pollen ends up on unrelated individuals. The seeds that result from pollination are winged and can travel a decent distance with a decent wind. With any luck, a few seeds will end up in another disturbance-cleared wet area and usher in the next generation of fevertrees.

I am so happy that restoration activities at this site are making more suitable habitat for this unique tree. Looking around, we saw many more small individuals starting to emerge where there was once a dense canopy of titi. Hopefully with ongoing management, this population will continue to grow and spread, securing the a future for this species in a region with an ever-growing human presence. If you ever find the opportunity to see one of these trees in person, do yourself a favor and take it!

Further Reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]